Current Projects - November 2024
Long Range Planning is currently in the process of working on two different plans: Thornton's Historic Preservation Plan and an update to Thornton's Development Code.
Historic Preservation Plan
The Historic Preservation Plan is currently being drafted. For more information, visit the Historic Preservation Plan project page.
Development Code Update
Thornton's Development Code is currently under revision, and drafts of Article 6 – General Development Standards, Article 7 – Building Design Standards, Article 9 – Access and Mobility Standards are now available for review and public comment. To provide comments, or for information on the planning process, community engagement opportunities, and project progress, visit the Development Code Update website (external).
Different Types of Plans
Thornton Comprehensive Plan
The Comprehensive Plan establishes goals, major strategies and key policies for Thornton’s neighborhoods, future jobs, and potential amenities. It also serves as an advisory document for development in the city.
Subarea Plans
Long Range Planning develops subarea plans addressing specific areas in more detail than the Comprehensive Plan, with its "big picture" perspective. These detailed plans often incorporate a vision for future land use, growth and development.
Station Area Master Plans
Station Area Master Plans seek to capitalize on the opportunities of the N-Line Commuter Rail and provide a vision and planning framework for future private development and public investment in the areas directly surrounding the transit stations.
Functional, Strategic, and Master Plans
Master plans serve as more detailed, functional documents designed to supplement specific topics addressed in the Thornton Comprehensive Plan such as transportation, utilities, or parks and open space.
Urban Renewal Plans
Urban Renewal Plans promote economic vitality by using tax increment financing to spur redevelopment activities that would otherwise not occur.