Certain parts of the city require detailed plans where unique challenges and opportunities are examined within a specific geographic area. As directed by City Council, Long Range Planning develops subarea plans addressing specific areas in more detail than the Comprehensive Plan, with its "big picture" perspective. These detailed plans often incorporate a vision for future land use, growth and development, and serve as the guiding documents for positive change in that area.
South Thornton Planning Documents

The studies and plans addressing South Thornton focus on planning for the unique characteristics of the area generally south of Thornton Parkway. Starting with Original Thornton, the southern portion of the city consists of some of the first subdivisions in Thornton. The North Suburban Medical Center is located south of Thornton Parkway along Grant Street. Shown to the left is the North Valley Tech Center, a major economic generator for South Thornton.
Eastlake Planning Documents

The town of Eastlake was originally settled as a railway village more than 100 years ago and incorporated into Thornton in 1990. In 2003 Council adopted a Subarea Plan for Eastlake and the development code was amended to reflect the recommendations of that plan. Since 2003 updates to the plan have occurred, the current end-of-line station for the RTD North Metro Line was completed, a Station Area Master Plan was adopted and several other planning projects have happened.