124th Avenue Multimodal Corridor

Project Overview

The City of Thornton has established a project to transform 124th Avenue between Claude Court and Colorado Boulevard into a multimodal corridor, meaning a corridor that better accommodates pedestrian and bicycle traffic and a corridor that controls vehicle speeds to create a safer and more comfortable environment for walking and biking. The project includes the design, environmental study, and construction and modification of new and existing pedestrian and bicycle facilities and traffic calming elements along the corridor. The design will cover 124th Avenue from Claude Court to Colorado Boulevard and include public engagement and input opportunities. Construction is planned to be done in phases. The first two construction phases include the York Street intersection and the York Street to Fillmore Street segment. The design, environmental study, and the first two construction phases are funded through a Transportation Improvement Program grant administered by the Denver Regional Council of Governments and the Colorado Department of Transportation. The total project budget is $6,327,000.


The grant funding will be available in the Fall of 2024. Based on the funding availability, the tentative timeline for the project is as follows (subject to change):

  • Execute funding agreement
    • June 2024
  • Design, additional public meetings/engagement, environmental study
    • October 2024 through October 2025
  • Right-of-way acquisition for the first two phases (if needed)
    • November 2025 through October 2026
  • Bidding and construction of the first two phases
    • November 2026 through October 2027
  • Seek funding opportunities for future phases
    • Ongoing


The Eastlake Station Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Master Plan was adopted in February 2009. This TOD Master Plan called for the city to develop a traffic calming plan for 124th Avenue. Two public meetings were held in March 2009 to develop, receive public input, and refine the traffic calming plan. The plan identified enhancements to pedestrian and bicycle facilities and traffic calming enhancements to address speeding. The plan was unofficially titled the “124th Avenue Speed Reduction Plan”. However, the plan essentially changes 124th Avenue to a multimodal corridor and was retitled the “124th Avenue Multimodal Corridor” project. 

In 2023, Thornton applied for a Transportation Improvement Program grant to start designing and constructing the project. The total project cost submitted under the grant is $6,327,000 ($5,694,300 grant / $632,700 matching city funds). In August 2023, a public meeting was held to introduce the grant-funded project and start the public input process. The conceptual cross-sections (road layout from north to south) and corridor map of conceptual locations and types of traffic calming identified in 2009 were updated and presented at that August 2023 meeting.

View the August 24, 2023 meeting presentation [PDF/1.9MB]

2009 existing and conceptual cross sections:

2009 corridor map:

As the project goes through the formal design process, these concepts are subject to change based on public engagement, site constraints, and available budget.


Please contact Darrell Alston with any questions.