Provide Your Input!
Thornton has launched a survey to learn about your experiences traveling 88th Avenue between Pecos Street and Dahlia Street. Provide your comments on a map on what pedestrian, bicycle, transit, and vehicle improvements you’d like to see. Click here to access the survey and map.
Project Overview
The City of Thornton is conducting a study to identify safety and multimodal capital improvements on 88th Avenue between Pecos Street and Dahlia Street. 88th Avenue connects recreational, educational, institutional, health, transit, employment, and residential areas. The project will evaluate infrastructure to improve safety and reliability for all users, including bicyclists and pedestrians, as identified in Thornton's Transportation and Mobility Master Plan.

This project will focus on identifying and prioritizing a set of project improvements to prepare for short-range and long-range improvements as future funding sources are identified. To address the safety of all users equitably, the project team will gather input from residents, businesses, and institutions along 88th Avenue throughout public engagement events on how to improve bicycle and pedestrian safety, improvements to transit access, speed, reliability, and capacity needed for vehicular traffic. The project is funded through a Transportation Improvement Program grant administered by the Denver Regional Council of Governments. The total project budget is $250,000.
Timeline and Key Milestones
The project kicked off in September 2023 and is planned to be completed by August 2024. Sufficient time for stakeholder and public review is built into the project timeline. Phases of the project include:
Existing Conditions: November 2023 – January 2024
- Alternative Development: January 2024 – March 2024
- Preferred Alternative Selected: April 2024 – August 2024
- Final Recommendations: September 2024 – December 2024
Thornton's Transportation and Mobility Master Plan (TMMP) [PDF/57.6MB] was adopted by the City Council on April 26, 2022, with the mission to achieve a holistic multimodal mobility of current and future transportation needs. The goal of the Plan is to provide an interconnected multimodal transportation network and mobility plan for all people to access goods, services, residences, and employment and accommodates safely moving people, goods, and services using a variety of modes that includes vehicle, bicycle, pedestrian, bus, shuttle, and passenger rail based on the future land use projections and overall vision for the City.
The 88th Avenue Corridor Study will develop a corridor plan to address safety and travel for transit, bicycle, pedestrian, and vehicular travel with input from residents, businesses, and institutions along 88th Avenue. The corridor study will also determine if the existing road configuration (vehicle lanes, sidewalks, bicycle lanes) can be modified to improve multimodal travel or if the proposed improvements will require additional right-of-way.
Please contact with any questions.