128th Avenue, Pecos Street, and Huron Street Project Updates
Project Overview
The City of Thornton is conducting a study to determine the most appropriate bicycle facility type on the three following corridors:
- 128th Avenue from I-25 to York Street
- Pecos Street from Milky Way to 92nd Avenue/Thornton Parkway
- Huron Street from 84th Avenue to 88th Avenue
The study will focus on providing protected or separated bicycle facilities along these three corridors to enhance and connect Thornton's multimodal transportation network. Protected bike facilities provide a physical separation between vehicles and bicycles creating a safer and more comfortable environment for biking. Examples of vertical separation include posts, bollards, curbs, planters, or parked cars. A side path can also provide the desired separation and offers a high-quality experience for non-motorized users of all ages and abilities. Protected bike facilities can be at street level or raised. Once the facility type is determined for each corridor, the project team will determine the most appropriate implementation strategy, develop concept designs, and position the City to consider future funding to take the concepts to full design and construction. This study will set a precedent for considering other protected bicycle facilities in Thornton.
Timeline and Key Milestones
The study kicked off in January 2024 and is planned to be completed in December 2024. Sufficient time for stakeholder and public review is built into the project timeline. Phases of the project include:
- Existing Conditions: January – March
- Alternative Development and Analysis: April – July
- Preferred Concepts: July – December
The City of Thornton's Complete Streets policy prioritizes bicycle, pedestrian, and transit facilities in infrastructure projects. The Transportation and Mobility Master Plan (TMMP) adopted by the City on April 26, 2022 established a goal to provide an interconnected multimodal transportation network accessible to all people. Installing protected or separated bike lanes in these three corridors will provide multimodal facilities that are safer, more efficient, easier to navigate and comfortable for bicyclists of all ages and abilities.
The TMMP identified Huron Street, Pecos Street, and 128th Avenue as short-range priorities for protected bike lanes. Existing data suggests high bicycle ridership on 128th Avenue. Pecos Street and Huron Street may be areas with latent demand.
This study is funded through a Transportation Improvement Program grant administered by the Denver Regional Council of Governments (TIP-ID 2022-052).
Please contact Marta.Junyent@ThorntonCO.gov with any questions.