2023 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER)
Public Review and Comment Period
The new CAPER is available for public review and comment. The document includes information on the 2023 accomplishments; how obstacles were addressed; how other resources were leveraged; what monitoring activities took place; the citizen participation process; and what actions were taken to affirmatively further fair housing. The CAPER also describes what actions were taken in the 2023 program year to meet housing, homeless, community development, and non-homeless special needs.
An 18-day public comment period for the 2023 CAPER will run from Friday, November 29, 2024, to Monday, December 16, 2024, at 5:00 pm MST. The draft 2023 CAPER is available online at www.gocot.net/connections [DOCX/384KB]. A printed copy can be viewed at the Parks, Recreation & Community Programs Department - Community Connections Building at 9471 Dorothy Blvd., Thornton, CO 80229. The City will also hold a public hearing on the 2023 CAPER on December 17, 2024, at 7:00 pm MST during the City of Thornton City Council meeting in the Council Chambers, 9500 Civic Center Drive, Thornton, CO 80229.
CodeCAP Program
The Code Compliance Assistance Program (CodeCAP) [PDF/1.1MB] assist income-eligible Thornton homeowners in fixing city code violations in their yards. The program is federally funded through the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program and therefore is free to qualified residents. Eligible projects include:
Removal of hazardous waste
Trash and debris removal, including furniture, appliances, and vehicles
Fence repair or replacement
Minor restorative front yard WaterWise landscaping
Not all projects are eligible, and funding is limited. CodeCAP is not a lawn mowing or weed removal program, however other resources may be available. For more information and to get an application, contact Community Connections at 720-977-5800 or Housing@ThorntonCO.gov.
Section 3 is a requirement outlined in the Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Act of 1968. It applies to federal funds such as Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and Home Investment Partnership Program (HOME) that are used for construction or construction-related projects. The purpose of Section 3 is to provide employment and economic opportunities to low-income individuals and businesses, to the greatest extent feasible.
The City and organizations that receive CDBG funds for construction or construction-related projects will take steps to notify low-income residents or businesses that employ or are owned by low-income residents about new employment or contracting opportunities. Section 3 eligible projects can include the construction or rehabilitation of housing, public construction projects (i.e. street repair, sewer line repair) or other covered construction or rehabilitation projects (i.e. engineering services, design services for public construction).
A Section 3 resident is either a public housing resident or person living in the Denver Metro area whose household income is at or below 80% of the Area Median Income, set by HUD annually. To view the current income limits, visit the HUD Program Income Limits website under Additional Resources.
A Section 3 Business is a business that can provide evidence that it meets at least one of the following three criteria:
51% or more of the business is owned by individuals who qualify as Section 3 residents; or
At least 30% of the full-time employees currently qualify as Section 3 residents; or
Sub-contracts more than 25% of the CDBG funds to another business(es) that meets one of the two qualifications above.
By registering as a Section 3 Business, your company will receive updates on new contracting opportunities and training within Thornton. Additionally, with your authorization, your business' information will be passed along to other agencies required to abide by Section 3. This will enable your business to receive updates on contracting and training opportunities throughout the entire Denver metro area.
Registering as a Section 3 Business is easy. All you need to do is verify that your business meets at least one of the three eligibility criteria listed above, complete the Section 3 Business Certification (located on the right side of this page) and submit it and any supporting documentation to the City of Thornton CDBG Coordinator at cdbg@thorntonco.gov.
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) also has a national Section 3 Business Registry, which is a searchable online database of Section 3 Businesses. Businesses can submit an online application to HUD to self-certify that they meet the definition of a Section 3 business. Visit HUD's Section 3 Business Registry to learn more.