
Established in 1953, Thornton started with three homes that were built with families in mind. Today, Thornton is still focused on providing quality housing and healthy, vibrant neighborhoods for those who desire to live in our community. When neighborhoods are healthy and vibrant residents prosper, the local economy grows, and there is a sense of community and shared pride.

CodeCAP Program

In August 2023, the city of Thornton launched the Code Compliance Assistance Program (CodeCAP) to assist income-eligible Thornton homeowners to fix code violations in their yards. The program is federally funded through the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program and therefore, is free to qualified residents. Eligible projects include:

  • Hazardous tree removal
  • Trash and debris removal, including furniture, appliances and vehicles
  • Fence repair or replacement
  • Minor restorative front yard WaterWise landscaping

Not all projects are eligible, and funding is limited. CodeCAP is not a lawn mowing or weed removal program. However, other resources may be available. For more information, contact Community Connections at 720-977-5800 or at Housing@ThorntonCO.gov.

CodeCAP Flyer [PDF/2.7MB]

2024 Home Rehabilitation Program Application [PDF/372KB]

Solicitud para el Programa de Rehabilitacion de Vivienda 2024 [PDF/365KB]

To apply, submit your completed application and supporting documentation. A list of required supporting documents is included in the last two pages of the application.

Housing Resources