Thornton City Council meetings are in person at 9500 Civic Center Drive or virtual. Formal Council meetings are also streamed live on Xfinity Channel 881, and online by visiting Thornton Video Network. If you wish to attend the virtual meeting, click on the applicable link below or follow the instructions to join. English closed captions are available during each live meeting. Other languages can be chosen by clicking on the top right settings icon for On Demand meeting videos.
Council Updates, Meetings & Planning Sessions
- Council Updates are held prior to a Council meeting and are intended to provide Council with brief updates on subjects of interest to the Council or that will be acted on during a Council meeting.
- Council meetings are a time for Council to make formal decisions in the form of motions, resolutions and ordinances. The public may address Council during these meetings under Audience Participation or during public hearings.
- Planning Sessions are an opportunity for Council to have an in-depth study and discussion of issues of importance to the City, which Council may provide direction to staff on, but does not formally vote.

Council Update February 11, 2025 5:45 p.m.

Council Meeting February 11, 2025 7:00 p.m.

Council Planning Session February 4, 2025 5:45 p.m.
Council Meeting Participation
Servicios de intérprete al español
Disponibles durante las reuniones del Consejo Municipal para escuchar las reuniones de Actualizaciones, las Sesiones de Planificación y las reuniones del Consejo Municipal en persona o virtualmente (en Zoom). Por favor de llamar al 303-538-7230 o mandar un correo electrónico con 24 horas de anticipación a la Oficina del Secretario de la Ciudad de Thornton a para solicitar servicios de intérprete al español.
ADA Accommodations
English closed captions are provided during all Council meetings at To request an ADA accommodation or for questions related to accessibility, please contact Thornton’s ADA Coordinator via telephone at 303-538-7334 or e-mail
Audience Participation
During this portion of the meeting, anyone may speak on any subject which does not later appear on the agenda as a Public Hearing. Speaking time will be limited to three minutes per individual/topic with a one hour limit on this segment of the agenda. If you wish to speak, please sign up by clicking on the link above for the meeting you wish to speak at. If you are calling from a landline phone and which to speak during the meeting, join the meeting and press *9. Audio/visual presentations must be submitted to the City Clerk's office by 10:00 a.m. the Monday prior to the Council meeting. Copyrighted material is not allowed to be shown or played during the presentation.
Public Hearings
In order to schedule the timing and length of public hearings for the convenience of the Council, the general public, and interested parties, the first public hearing will begin at or before 7:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible. This segment of the agenda will last no more than 2 hours. Proponents and Opponents who wish to speak are requested to sign up, by clicking on the link above for the meeting they wish to speak during, and limit their remarks to three minutes. Groups of citizens brought together by a common interest are requested to choose a spokesperson whose time to comment will be extended at the discretion of the Mayor. Speakers may be asked to be sworn in by the City Clerk if they wish to submit facts rather than opinions. Audio/visual presentations must be submitted to the City Clerk's office by 10:00 a.m. the Monday prior to the Council meeting. Copyrighted material is not allowed to be shown or played during the presentation.
City Hall Security
All visitors entering City Hall are required to go through security. Please note, the following items are prohibited: firearms, electric, chemical and other dangerous weapons, knives, tools, fireworks, noisemakers, whistles, bullhorns, sound amplification equipment, laser pointers, electronic messaging boards, odorous substances, aerosol sprays, unidentified liquids, compressed gas, noxious substances, spray paint and other disruptive devices except as necessary for law enforcement and on duty city personnel.