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Charter Amendment Pros and Cons Statement

Filling a vacancy in the Office of Councilmember by Special Election


Notice is hereby given by the City Council of the City of Thornton, Colorado, that one City Charter amendment question will be submitted to the registered electors at the Special Municipal Election to be held in conjunction with the Adams County Coordinated Mail Ballot Election on November 5, 2024.

Following is the full text and ballot language of the proposed Charter amendment:

Current Charter 

4.5 – Vacancy 

(b) If a vacancy occurs in the office of Councilmember, the Council shall appoint an eligible person to fill such vacancy to serve the remainder of the term of office that was vacated. Such appointment shall be by a majority of the members of the Council in office at the time. 

Proposed Charter 

4.5 – Vacancy 

(b) If a vacancy occurs in the office of Councilmember, the Council shall appoint an eligible person to fill such vacancy  if one year or less of the term remains. Such appointment shall be by a majority of the members of the Council in office at the time.  If more than one year of the vacant term remains, such vacancy shall be filled at a special election to be held within 120 days of the date of the vacancy but not within 90 days of a regular municipal election. Should the vacancy occur within 90 days of a regular municipal election, the vacancy will be filled at the regular election. The term of office for a Councilmember elected to fill a vacancy shall be for the remainder of the vacated term.

Proposed Charter Amendment Question 

“Shall Section 4.5(b) of the Thornton City Charter be amended to provide that when a vacancy in the office of Councilmember occurs, if more than one year is remaining in the term of office, such vacancy shall be filled by special election to be held within 120 days of the vacancy, but not within 90 days of a regular municipal election?

_____Yes      _____No

Election Information

Regular Municipal Elections are held on the first Tuesday in November in odd-numbered years. The 2025 Municipal Election will be held on Tuesday, November 4, 2025.
The Mayor and City Councilmembers are elected for four-year terms in Regular Municipal Elections, with one Councilmember elected from each of the four wards every two years and the Mayor elected every four years (2027 and 2029). 
The City Clerk’s office is responsible for conducting the Municipal Elections, as well as assisting Adams County with registering citizens to vote.

Voter Registration Information

Voters in City elections are registered electors who live within the Thornton City limits. For those who are not already registered to vote, they may register for the November 2023 Regular Municipal Election, in one of the following ways:

  • If an individual registers to vote by mail, a voter registration agency (including the Thornton City Clerk's Office), a local driver's license facility, or online through www.govotecolorado.gov by October 30 and the Adams County Clerk and Recorder will automatically mail a ballot. 
  • Voter registration forms are available at several locations including the Adams County Election Office, any City Clerk's Office, Motor Vehicle offices, or www.govotecolorado.gov.
  • If an individual registers to vote through a voter registration drive, their application must be submitted no later than October 16.
  • Individuals may also register to vote by appearing in-person at a Voter Service and Polling Center through and including Election Day. After October 30, individuals must visit one of the Voter Service and Polling Centers in Adams County to register and receive a ballot. Go to www.adamsvotes.com for locations.

Citizens who are registering for the first time in Colorado must be living in Colorado for 22 days immediately before the election in which the individual intends to vote (October 16, 2023, for the 2023 Election) and provide a valid Colorado driver's license or Colorado identification card. Identification requirements for first time voters can be found by going to www.govotecolorado.gov and clicking on the words "Acceptable forms of ID."  

For questions relating to voter registration or registration status, visit www.govotecolorado.gov, contact the Adams County Election Office at 720-523-6500, or the City Clerk's Office at 303-538-7230.

Which Ward do I live in?

2023 Election Information

Official 2023 Election Results

2023 Municipal Candidates 


Four-year term

Julia Marvin
Janifer "Jan" Kulmann


Four-year term

Ward 1 Councilmember

Justin Martinez
Eric Garcia

Ward 2 Councilmember

Roberta Ayala
Angie Bedolla

Ward 3 Councilmember

David Acunto
Mark Gormley

Ward 4 Councilmember

Chris Russell
Nicole Matkowsky