The Projects and Planning Division is responsible for the planning, design, rehabilitation and inspection of Thornton parks and open space capital projects. Each year, the city receives requests from residents for improvements throughout the city. During the annual budget cycle, an ongoing list is updated and reviewed for consideration. All requests received during the current year, and requests from past years that have not been funded, compete for annual funding along with other city needs for roads, water/sewer, traffic, parks maintenance and repairs.
Project Scope (Construction Notice [PDF/490KB]):
This project is broken down into three main phases. The first phase is to install infrastructure to the site. Phase 1 construction will begin at the end of March/beginning of April 2024 with the work expected to last until August 2024. Phase 2 is targeted to begin following the conclusion of Phase 1 in August 2024. This phase involves the construction of the Anythink Library site. The construction will be done in conjunction with Phase 3, which includes installing open space trails and amenities. Once timelines and designs are finalized updates will be posted here. For more information, please contact Heidi Zeltinger at Heidi.Zeltinger@ThorntonCO.Gov.
Phase 1:
In preparation for the new Anythink Library at 136th Ave. and Newport St., the City of Thornton will be installing infrastructure to support the sitework. Work will begin around March 18 for the Sanitary Sewer service line, two Water service lines, an access road on the north side of 136th Ave. and Newport St., and a signal at that intersection. This work is expected to last through August 2024.
The Anythink Library layout and development is slated to start Aug 2024 with the timeline of opening doors in 2026.
The Aylor Open Space Plan: The trail development will coincide with the Library development. The overall site plan is still getting adjusted and once we have a plan we will have it uploaded here.
In 2016, the city was awarded a $75,000 Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO) planning grant to help fund the Big Dry Creek Recreation and Floodplain Restoration Master Plan and it has been completed! Click on Master Plan Executive Summary below to read the highlights, or click on Big Dry Creek Master Plan below to read the entire plan. City funds have been budgeted, additional grant funds have been secured and design is complete to construct floodplain restoration at the pilot project identified in the Master Plan - between East 152nd Parkway and E-470, west of York Street. The goal is to reconnect the channel to its historic floodplain and improve channel stability, water quality, wildlife habitat and ecosystem health. Construction of the channel work has been completed and floodplain restoration/wildlife habitat planting is expected to be finished in late summer! Contact Paula Schulte at 303-255-7844 or email for more information.
Project History:
Just as the South Platte River on our eastern edge and Niver Creek and its tributaries in our southwestern area, the Big Dry Creek corridor provides outstanding opportunities in the northwest portion of the city for open space preservation and enhancement as a passive recreation and wildlife habitat area. As identified in Thornton's Parks and Open Space Master Plan, Big Dry Creek is the premier ecosystem in the northwest area of the city with opportunities for year-round passive recreation while protecting, restoring and enhancing wildlife habitat and the creek's floodplain function.
Project Scope:
Thornton voters in 1997 and again in 2013 passed a ballot initiative allowing for a .25% sale and use tax increase for parks and open space acquisition and development. Using these funds, and along with Adams County, almost 300 acres of open land along the corridor in Thornton has been preserved, mostly as natural stream bordered by undeveloped floodplain. The city owns one park facility, Thorncreek Golf Course of which approximately 44 acres are in the corridor, plus five open space parcels along Big Dry Creek totaling over 247 acres. Adams County owns two open space parcels totaling over 49 acres. While development intent for the corridor is to remain natural and be used primarily as open space with passive recreation, areas of the creek have been degraded and channelized from stream bank erosion, with resulting loss of riparian values, general floodplain functionality and valuable wildlife habitat.
Four pickleball courts have been constructed. The courts are open for play but the surfacing is rough. The acrylic surfacing will be applied in the Spring of 2025 when the temperature and weather allow, along with the plant material.
This study will inventory facilities and identify potential improvements to multiuse trail networks and connectivity through a comprehensive analysis and evaluation of Thornton’s current bicycle/pedestrian trail infrastructure. The study will culminate in a Master Plan and update of the Trails Users Map that identifies and prioritizes trail system improvements based on technical date, experiential data and community input. We will work to understand and incorporate community desires into the plan by surveying and connecting with staff and residents at recreation centers. cultural centers. community events and even alongside the trails!
Over the next year you will see the project team on Thornton trails collecting data on trail condition, amenities and community preferences. We will ride all bike lanes and trails across the city, taking photos to catalog trail surface type (e.g. asphalt or concrete), damages or barriers, crosswalk condition, needed connections and ADA accessibility to suggest and prioritize necessary updates. We will map how trail visitors recreate and use the trail and identify all existing amenity locations (e.g. benches or restrooms), popular destinations reached by trails and more to suggest and prioritize desired amenity updates and additions. Questions? Contact Paula Schulte, Project Manager: | 303-255-7844.
How to Get Involved:
Please take a few minutes to complete our survey or pin a map to show where improvements are needed. Your feedback is essential to creating safer and more enjoyable trails for everyone. Tell us what improvements you think should be made, whether it’s unconnected trails that need to be linked, more lights, restrooms, garbage cans, cracks or potholes that need fixing, or anything else.
There are two ways to give us your input to the Citywide Bicycle & Pedestrian Trail Planning Study:
- Map-Based Input - Give us map-based input by dropping pins on locations where you see the need for improvements.
Drop A Map Pin - Text-Based Input - Fill out a survey to tell us what needs to be improved or what is most important for the Thornton trails system.
Take Our Survey
A shade shelter with solar powered lighting will be installed in place of the existing children’s playground just to the east of the Thomas J. Slocum Memorial Skatepark, at 2211 Eppinger Boulevard. The project will include new benches, picnic tables, and a seat wall. Completion is expected in early 2024. For more information, please contact Bob Kees at
Project [PDF/10.6MB]:
Welcome to the newly renovated Grange Creek Park. The park and the trails are now open to the public. There is still some minor work occurring in the Non-Potable Irrigation Pump House, so please be understanding of the current contractor and their employees. You can expect to see the final touches placed on this park during the winter months and in the Spring of 2025. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact Bob Kees at
Niver Open Space has been under construction since 2021 for the Mile High Flood District Tributary M project. This project included an underpass at Huron Street, regarding of the creek to correct severe erosion, and revegetation. In September 2023, construction began on additional open space amenities including a lighted trailhead parking lot off 88th Avenue, playground facilities, trail improvements, Niver Nature Heritage Trail signage and amenities, irrigated plantings, and changes to the intersection at 88th Avenue and Conifer Road. Project completion is planned for spring 2024. For more information, please contact Bob Kees at
Huron Street Underpass:
A new box culvert under Huron Street at Niver Creek Tributary M with a pedestrian underpass will address flooding concerns as well as allow safe access for pedestrians and cyclists to Niver Open Space. This project is nearing completion in fall 2022.
Niver Creek Tributary M Improvements (west and east of Huron Street):
MHFD is constructing a channel stabilization and realignment project from approximately Thornton Parkway east to where Niver Tributary M meets Niver Creek on the east side of Niver Open Space. The purpose of the project is to protect underground utility pipes from erosion, reduce the slope of steep banks to create a more natural creek bed and to promote access to the water. The areas west of Huron Street were completed in fall 2022. The areas east of Huron Street will be under construction from October 2022 through Spring 2023.
Niver Open Space Dam Outlet at 88th Avenue:
A new dam outlet structure and forebay with maintenance access has been completed. This will improve the function of the dam outlet and make it easier to maintain.
Niver Nature Heritage Trail Improvements in Niver Open Space:
In 2020, Thornton completed a design to add improvements along the Niver Nature Heritage Trail in Niver Open Space. Public meetings were held to solicit input. The proposed design includes two nature play areas (over 5,000 SF) with benches, informal seating and room for children to play on boulders, huge logs and colorful concrete animals ( a snake and a turtle). The design also includes three Heritage Trail story node areas that will feature seating and educational signage about local natural history and Niver Open Space ecosystems. Construction will be coordinated with other projects managed by MHFD, beginning in 2022.
Niver Open Space Improvements:
Open space improvements will be constructed that were authorized and funded by City Council in 2017 and 2021, and with an Adams County Open Space grant award. Passive recreational improvements include soft surface trails, additional site furniture, nature play areas, educational signage, trailhead parking off 88th Avenue and small gathering spaces to activate the open space and improve accessibility. Please feel free to contact Bob Kees at or 303-255-7707 for more information.
The City of Thornton has a tentative depreciation schedule that includes 75+ playgrounds organized into priority groups that guide the allocation of limited resources to maintain safe, enjoyable play spaces. Commercial playground equipment is meant to have a lifespan of about 20 years before the wear and tear become more difficult and costly to repair than to replace. The City considers the relative age and condition of facilities, but also accounts for special circumstances that it learns from residents. Help the city to improve your neighborhood park by leaving feedback at this link:
Scheduled Renovations:
- Loomis Park: In progress | Estimated Completion 5/31/24. Includes expanded play area, accessible entry, new play equipment, furnishings, irrigation, and plantings.
- Loma Linda Park: In progress | Estimated Completion 5/31/24. Includes trip hazard mitigation on concrete walkways, new ramps, furnishings, and play equipment.
- Lilly Park: Scheduled for mid-May 2024. Includes new play equipment.
- Woodbridge Station Park: Scheduled for mid-May 2024. Includes expanded play area in the current walk-adjacent planter, ramps into play area, new furnishings, and play equipment.
- Shadow Ridge Park: Scheduled for mid-May 2024. Includes expanded play area to the north of the existing footprint, and new play equipment.
- Eastlake Historic Park: Scheduled for September 2024. Includes a ramp into the play area, and new play equipment. Work already completed includes a new fence along York Street and repainted shelter.
Next In Queue:
- Liberty Hills Park: Starting Spring 2025. Includes expanded play area for swings, new play equipment and furnishings, concrete “wavy walk” around playground with additional seating, picnic tables, and filtered shade.
- Sherwood Hills Park: Starting Spring 2025. Includes relocated, expanded play area footprint avoiding stormwater pipes, new play equipment and furnishings.
- Cherrywood Park: Starting Fall 2025. Includes articulation of the ground plane, inclusive play equipment, hillside slide, sensory play area with natural materials, and performance platforms with natural seating.
- Margaret Carpenter Park: Starting Fall 2025. Includes articulation of the ground plane, overhead walkway, inclusive play equipment, hillside slide, sensory play area with natural materials, and performance platforms with natural seating.
- Eastlake Shores Park: Starting Fall 2025. Includes replacement of “steel and plastic” play equipment with natural play features more appropriate to the open lands setting.
Passive open space improvements will be incorporated into the approximate 9.4-acre Skylake Ranch Open Land at 119th Avenue and Holly Street. Additional plantings, trails, nature play, shade and site furniture are planned based on public input and budget. Sidewalk and Union Ditch Trail connectivity will be addressed. Design is expected to be completed soon with construction planned in 2024. An Adams County Open Space grant and funds from the sale of the Denver Bronco's sale are helping to fund the design and construction. Don't hesitate to contact Paula Schulte at or 303-255-7844 with questions or concerns.
Woodglen Brookshire In-line Hockey Rink Side boards have been upgraded. The lines for the rink will be painted in the Spring of 2025 when weather allows. For more information please contact Heidi Zeltinger at