Thornton thrives when it has a strong regional presence. By participating in local and regional boards, City officials can present future plans for Thornton and discuss the possibility of sharing resources and pooling expertise. This collaborative approach ensures Thornton remains engaged and well-represented in shaping our community’s future.
ACREP is a public/private, nonprofit economic development organization. They serve Adams County, its 10 municipalities, more than 10,000 companies and just over a half a million residents. ACREP is working to write the next chapter in the metro-north area by amplifying its unique business story, championing area real estate developments, and focusing on new infrastructure. They empower their members and community leaders to promote and expand economic opportunity in Adams County.
Adams County Regional Economic Partnership (ACREP) Website
- Karen Bigelow, Mayor Pro Tem - Ward 4
- David Acunto, Ward 3 (Alternate)
- Jessica Sandgren, Ward 2 (Alternate)
This Committee will provide policy oversight for the special transit program that was initiated in 2000.
- Jessica Romito, Active Adult Program Manager
This Committee was established in 1988 through an IGA among Adams County and the cities of Aurora, Brighton, Commerce City, Federal Heights, Westminster and Thornton. The 2004 issues will include cities implementing their airport noise mitigation plans, working with Denver on determining future noise violation requirements, and how to address continuing noise violations of DIA.
- Jessica Sandgren, Ward 2
- Tony Unrein, Ward 3
CML's primary role is to represent cities' interests in the Colorado legislature. In that role, they act to secure the enactment of legislation that will be beneficial to municipalities and oppose legislation that might injure them. The Policy Committee, one of several advisory committees, is responsible for reviewing legislative proposals and recommending to the CML Executive Board positions on a wide variety of legislation affecting municipalities.
Colorado Municipal League (CML) Website
- Roberta Ayala, Ward 2
- Chris Russell, Ward 4
- Karen Bigelow, Mayor Pro Tem - Ward 4 (Alternate)
The state-appointed Denver Metro planning organization that joins 49 county and municipal governments to address issues of regional concern such as water resources, transportation, growth, legislative concerns and even services for seniors.
- Justin Martinez, Ward 1
- Roberta Ayala, Ward 2 (Alternate)
The E 470 Public Highway Authority is a political subdivision of the State of Colorado, formed in 1985 to construct and maintain a 46-mile toll highway running generally to the east of I 25. The highway consists of four segments from 120th to I-25.
- Tony Unrein, Ward 3
- Jessica Sandgren, Ward 2 (Alternate)
This group works together to take steps to enhance planning and cooperation in the next tier of metropolitan growth, which is outside of the Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) planning area.
- Karen Bigelow, Mayor Pro Tem-Ward 4
- David Acunto, Ward 3 (Alternate)
NATA is a partnership of public and private entities in the North I-25 Corridor working to identify, develop, advocate and lobby for transportation solutions that will enhance mobility, drive economic development, and reduce traffic congestion in the north metro area.
- Justin Martinez, Ward 1
- Tony Unrein, Ward 3 (Alternate)
The purpose of the Foundation is to promote and assist in the development, financing and acquisition of educational facilities and improvements which will benefit the residents of Adams County, Weld County and the cities of Brighton, Commerce City and the Thornton.
- David Acunto, Ward 3
- Tony Unrein, Ward 3 (Alternate)
This coalition serves as a platform to collaborate and advocate for the planning and development of multimodal transportation improvements and transit-supportive projects along the SH 7 corridor connecting Brighton and Boulder.
• Chris Russell, Ward 4
• Tony Unrein, Ward 3 (Alternate)