Thornton Sales & Use Tax Workshop Thursday, March 6th, 2025, at 9:00am, Thornton City Hall.
The City of Thornton Revenue Division offers free sales and use tax workshops. These general workshops provide tax information for all types of businesses, including service-only organizations, home-based & commercial businesses, and wholesalers. Please join us for our upcoming tax workshop as you learn about getting a business license, collection and remittance of sales & use taxes and how to file your returns!
If you are interested in attending the next workshop (Thursday, October 24, 2024 at 9:00am in-person at Thornton City Hall: 9500 Civic Center Drive), please email us at or call the Revenue Division at 303-538-7400 to register – we will then supply you with further instruction.
- If you are unable to attend this session, the following sessions for 2025 have been scheduled:
- Wednesday, July 9 at 2 p.m.
- Thursday, October 30 at 9 a.m.
- Workshops are tentatively scheduled to be held in-person during this interactive session with a tax auditor and revenue agent. If you are unable to attend, would prefer a virtual option, or just have questions about sales/use tax or business licenses please call our department directly for assistance:
- Sales Tax Division
- 303-538-7400
- Taller de impuestos sobre las ventas y el uso de Thornton
- Martes, 25 Marzo 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM; En Persona
- Alianza Centro de Asistencia para Negocios
550 Thornton Pkwy Suite 170, Thornton, CO 80229
La División de Ingresos de la Ciudad de Thornton ofrece talleres gratuitos sobre impuestos sobre lasventas y el uso. Estos talleres generales proporcionan información tributaria para todo tipo deempresas, incluidas las organizaciones de solo servicios, las empresas comerciales y basadas en elhogar, y los mayoristas. ¡Únase a nosotros en nuestro próximo taller de impuestos mientras aprendesobre cómo obtener una licencia comercial, la recaudación y remesa de impuestos sobre las ventasy el uso, y cómo presentar sus declaraciones!
- Registrarse aquí o escanee el código:
About the Revenue Division
The City's Revenue Division is responsible for collection of the following taxes and fees: sales, use, lodging and telephone taxes, and E911 surcharges. We assist businesses and the public in understanding how Thornton's taxes apply to their operations or purchases. The Sales Tax Division is also responsible for auditing businesses to ensure that they are in compliance with the City Code.
Property taxes are administered by the County. Please contact Adams County directly for questions regarding your property taxes.
Tax Information Brochures
- General Information [PDF/430KB]
- Auto Dealers [PDF/448KB]
- Auto Repair Industry [PDF/196KB]
- Car Washes [PDF/213KB]
- Commonly Missed Items [PDF/162KB]
- Construction Industry [PDF/97KB]
- Exempt Sales [PDF/114KB]
- Lodging Industry [PDF/172KB]
- Lump Sum Billings [PDF/116KB]
- Medical Industry [PDF/224KB]
- Standard Exemption Affidavit [PDF/72KB]
- Tax Regulations [PDF/196KB]
- Thornton Tax Code: Municode